1. Visual Test (VT): It is the act of collecting visual data about the state of a material.
2. Ultrasound Test (UT): It is the process of transmitting high-frequency sound waves in a material in order to identify changes in the properties of the material.
3. Eddy Current Test (ET): It is a type of electromagnetic test that uses measurements of the strength of electric currents (also called eddy currents) in a magnetic field surrounding a material in order to make determinations about the material, which may include defect localization.
4. Magnetizable Particle Test (MPI): It is the act of identifying imperfections in a material by examining interruptions in the flow of the magnetic field within the material.
5. Liquid Penetrant Test (PT): It is the process of using a liquid to coat a material and then looking for breaks in the liquid to identify imperfections in the material.